Hello Namaste Bonjour Hola Guten tag Konnichiwa

Hello Namaste Bonjour Hola Guten tag Konnichiwa

I always strive to design intuitive experiences that meet Human needs.

I've always been fascinated by Design and how it can be used to solve complex problems. Afterall, Design is a marvelous discipline that brings Technology and People together!

After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication in 2020, I didn't know what I wanted to pursue as my career; except for one thing - I LOVED TO DESIGN. That's when Youtube's algorithm did it's magic and recommended me Chunbuns'- "A day in the life of a UX Designer video", I remember watching it and thinking- THIS IS IT! This is exactly what I want to be doing; and that's when the journey of self-learning began!

Coming from Advertising and Branding background, being able to understand software & time constraints and getting practical experience from working in the service industry as a Beauty consultant enabled me to learn - the importance of Designing Experiences that put Humans first

In my free time you can find me -
binge watching anime, clicking blurry sunset pictures & trying to make a decent cup of coffee


I can’t make drinkable coffee even if my life depended on it! If you know how to make a good cup of coffee, please CONTACT ME. ASAP.


Together, Let's Design
Unforgettable Experiences

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